Thursday, August 28, 2008
The associated press and Drudge Report have picked up this latest article about Pelosi-gate and the backlash that it's caused.
Thomas over at American Papist has done a write-up on it so I'll let you all check out what he has to say about it.
Funny thing about all of this and I was telling my wife last night. Never let it be said that God can not use something like Nancy Pelosi's foot in mouth discussion about abortion for good.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hat Tip to Thomas at American Papist for keeping up with Pelosi-gate.
Bishops of Colorado Springs & Pittsburgh respond to Pelosi
Don't forget to write your local Bishop asking for them to use this teaching moment for their own flock. Also write the Bishops that have already spoken out about Pelosi to thank them for speaking out.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
From FoxNews:
Archbishop of Washington Chides Pelosi; Denver Archbishop Warns Biden to Skip Communion
Irked by pro-choice Democrats who tout their Catholicism, the archbishop of Washington is chiding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for misstating church history and the archbishop of Denver is warning vice presidential hopeful Joe Biden not to take Communion.
And the hits keep on coming!!!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's ignorant statements about abortion and Church teachings have cause huge waves in the Catholic community. We need to all keep pushing our Bishops to take a public stand and finally root-out these so-called "Catholic" politicians.
Pelosi Gate
Friday, August 8, 2008
A private charter bus careened off an overpass north of Dallas early Friday morning, killing at least 13 Vietnamese Catholics on their way to a church event.
Read the rest of the story here.
Please pray for those who have lost their lives today and for their families, also for the injured.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Jeff Miller over at Curt Jester posted this amazing interview with Nancy Pelosi's pastor showing just how much work the Church as in front of it.