Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Catholic Media

I didn't used to be a big listener of religious radio. That was until I started listening to Relevant Radio here in Austin, from there I started listening to EWTN radio and Catholic Answers. After that I was hooked, I think it's a great tool for the new evangelization and it has helped me to learn much more about my faith than ever before.

Rome apparently shares my sentiments:

Prelate Sums a First-of-Its-Kind Symposium

Archbishop Celli told Vatican Radio that an awareness of the role of radio
in evangelization was one of the important conclusions from the symposium.

"One of the riches of this congress has been bringing us to rediscover
that, beyond technology and professionalism, there exists a gift of God in
announcing the Word; there is a grace of preaching," the prelate said. "It is
God who intervenes in the heart of man to welcome the Word.
"This means that
when one sets out to announce the Word through radio, he should have this
awareness and this deep humility at knowing that he is the messenger of
something bigger than himself."

Thus, the Vatican official affirmed, the work of Catholic radio "is not
propaganda, but rather testimony and being aware that what is announced is the
word of life, and this must be energetically emphasized."

So if you've never listened to Catholic radio even if you're not Catholic give it a try...you might like it.